#68 How to Create Online Content That Converts

Do you spend hours every week creating what you think appears to be great content?

Your videos are full of valuable tips and instruction, your blog posts are detailed and well researched, maybe you host a podcast every week that takes hours to prepare for... but no one is showing up at your door asking for help!

With the exodus from television and radio to social media, the marketing climate has changed drastically and it's likely you haven't followed suit.

1. Information is available and it's free.

2. Your market doesn't want to be bombarded with more content they don't care about.

3. The same old recycled chiropractic ads just won't cut it anymore.

On today's episode of Life By Design For Chiropractors we give you a blueprint to help your transition into making content that people care about AND content that motivates them to seek your help.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

Stop the road to insanity and start down the path to creating professional, authentic, appreciated and welcomed content.

What We Covered

  • The state of the internet has changed the mechanics of marketing. What does it mean to push vs. pull?
  • What a high quality, high converting funnel actually looks like.
  • How to position yourself properly as it is ONE of the fundamental components to successfully marketing Third Paradigm Chiropractic.
  • As difficult as it may be for the average chiropractor, knowing who this group is and what they care about is the MOST important beginning point for your strategy.
  • Kreso's take home message. Heed his warning; without this, all else fails.


-- Jamie

Click below for full show notes and to download The Ultimate Chiropractic Blueprint.
